7.Amanda-Macchu Picchu 2007


I am Amanda Lynch, shamanic healer, teacher and practitioner.

My first teacher in 2000 was Eliana Harvey of the Shamanka Traditional School of Women’s Shamanism. I became Eliana’s apprentice and gained the Shamanka School Master Practitioner Certificate in Healing & the Shamanic Arts and the Shen Feng Acupressure Certificate.

Eliana opened my eyes to the shamanic world – I had many exciting and wonderful experiences through her guidance.

I had worked most of my adult life as a solicitor (which I enjoyed) but once I started on the shamanic path I took early retirement.

I remember one February I was at a celebration of the Celtic feast of Imbolc, when you have a big fire, say goodbye to the old and welcome in the new. I burned a whole load of legal notes and vowed never to return to that role. Subsequently, whenever I felt tempted to do some legal work, I just visualised my notes going up in flames and realised there was no going back.

From 2003 I trained with Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D, and the Four Winds Society. I am a Graduate of the Healing the Light Body School and have attended many of the Four Winds Master Classes, including the Via Illuminata in Peru.

On this amazing trip you visit sacred sites and have shamanic ceremonies and rites daily from the Q’ero – the Inka medicine men and women. The Q’ero are extremely powerful, but their everyday, down-to-earth method of working makes it easy to learn from them.

I am qualified to transmit the Munay-Ki Rites – meaning “energy of love”. The Munay-Ki are a dynamic shortened version of nine ancient rites of initiation. The Q’ero felt it was so urgent for people in the modern world to have access to these rites that they worked together with Alberto to codify them in a simple and straightforward way.

I offer individual treatments, ceremonies, distance healings, and workshops.

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